What You Can Learn About Tabletop from a Trip to Germany

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/29/18 10:21 AM


German engineering and production is legendary.

As a company that is mostly comprised of German brands, BauscherHepp has always believed in the strength and quality of German-made products, but sometimes it's hard to connect with those concepts from the confines of our Raleigh showroom. Sometimes you have to go to Germany to learn more.

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Analyzing the Coupe Glass Renaissance

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/23/18 12:00 PM


The current cocktail revolution has also spawned the rebirth of many classic glassware styles. Gone are the days of always serving Manhattans in a Martini glass. We're witnessing the return of the coupe glass.

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The Benefits of a Hot and Fresh Chafing Dish

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/19/18 3:57 PM


Chafing dishes come in various shapes and sizes with a whole range of features and options. As a result, selecting the right chafer can be a complicated choice, but it's an important one nonetheless.

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How to Get the Most Flavor Out of Your Stout

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/15/18 5:05 PM


There are few articles of faith in my admittedly jaundiced worldview, precious few things that I believe to be right and true and basically unimprovable by man or God. This, however, is one of them: a properly poured beer or ale -- in my case, a hand-cranked Guinness -- in a clean pint glass of correct temperature is God's Own Beverage, a complete and nutritious food source, a thing of beauty to be admired, a force that sweeps away, for a time, all the world's troubles.

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The Origins of Soup (and How It's Eaten)

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/13/18 6:13 PM

The way words twist together can tell us a lot about where we're from and how we did things in the past. This is especially true when it comes to food.

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[Plating Trend] An Eye for Simplicity

[fa icon="calendar'] 2/28/18 10:37 AM


We've already talked about the love/hate relationship chefs have with the current sauce dot trend, but a recent article in Restaurant Hospitality brought up another popular plating concept - simplicity.

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5 Trends in Healthcare Foodservice that Matter

[fa icon="calendar'] 2/27/18 3:00 PM


Who says hospital food has to be bad? In reality, for operations that take the time to pay attention to the details, hospital dining experiences can be high quality if not enjoyable.

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Four Simple Tips for Photographing Your Food

[fa icon="calendar'] 2/27/18 1:33 PM


Photography has impacted foodservice probably more than any other industry in any era of business. It's impossible to browse social media without finding images of lunch or dinner, of "food porn," or of #InstaFood.

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The Difference Between Service and Hospitality

[fa icon="calendar'] 2/18/18 7:00 AM


Let's pretend for a minute that you run a brewery. A couple comes up to the bar on a crowded Friday night and asks to see the menu. In that moment, you have a choice.

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Three Tips for Displaying and Plating Chocolate

[fa icon="calendar'] 2/14/18 12:02 PM


Who doesn't like chocolate?

Pastry chefs are featured more and more in fine and casual dining settings, and their creations will take center stage as couples celebrate Valentine’s Day in restaurants across the country. Valentine’s Day or not, it’s clear that the display of dessert and chocolate will continue to evolve.

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