A Plated Perspective on Healthcare Foodservice

[fa icon="calendar'] 8/5/16 7:44 PM


Healthcare foodservice trails other segments of the food and beverage industry in many ways, including quality of food, quality of traytop, and presentation. But, there are also operators doing exciting concepts like farm-to-table, locally sourced, and real food on beautiful china. This serves as my proof of what can be accomplished. Imagine the surprise of the customer who was expecting typical healthcare food!

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A Guided Tour of Augmented Reality for Foodservice Professionals

[fa icon="calendar'] 8/1/16 1:12 PM


Right now, the whole world seems to be fascinated with augmented reality. But how does AR work in the foodservice industry, and what are the benefits?

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Beyond Pokemon Go: Augmented Reality for Real Life

[fa icon="calendar'] 7/28/16 5:41 PM


The power of Augmented Reality (AR) lies in its ability to superimpose a computer-generated image over a live camera view of the physical world, thus providing a composite view of the user’s environment in real time. The usage of AR is growing rapidly, as large industry players from healthcare to field service to architecture are investing more and more into this technology. There's even Pokemon Go

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Why There Are Less Shaker Pints in Brew Pubs

[fa icon="calendar'] 7/26/16 5:39 PM

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Foodservice for Healthcare: Customers Not Patients

[fa icon="calendar'] 7/25/16 4:00 PM

The revolution and a baby boy... You see, my friends welcomed their baby boy into the world the other night. After congratulating them on a job well done, I got down to business.

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Introducing New Noble China from Tafelstern

[fa icon="calendar'] 6/28/16 1:30 PM

Bauscher Hepp is happy to announce the release of our new Noble China from Tafelstern. This unique and subtle line is called Delight, and we invite you to see why the name fits the products.
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To Tilt or Not To Tilt: How To Properly Pour A Beer

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/13/16 11:24 AM

***The following piece was inspired from  an original Luigi Bormioli blog.

It seems like there's a thousand ways to pour a beer, but in reality, there's just one. Let's take a deeper look at the entire process of pouring the perfect pint (or whichever glass you choose) beginning with the question: to tilt or not to tilt?

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