Stacked Scallop Ceviche from chef Jason Shillinglaw

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/20/16 2:52 PM


In part two of this series from March 2009, Executive Chef of the Providence Country Club in Charlotte, North Carolina, Jason Shillinglaw, creates a refreshing version of a Latin-style classic.

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Introducing the Brownie Excess Bomb from chef Jason Reaves

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/13/16 12:17 PM



This chocolate inspiration is more than the bomb. See how chef Jason Reaves used Bauscher Hepp as inspiration in this culinary challenge entry that was originally submitted on March 3, 2009.

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To Tilt or Not To Tilt: How To Properly Pour A Beer

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/13/16 11:24 AM

***The following piece was inspired from  an original Luigi Bormioli blog.

It seems like there's a thousand ways to pour a beer, but in reality, there's just one. Let's take a deeper look at the entire process of pouring the perfect pint (or whichever glass you choose) beginning with the question: to tilt or not to tilt?

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Dessert for Two: The Yin and Yang of Chocolate from Thomas Allen

[fa icon="calendar'] 5/13/16 1:19 AM


Dessert is served! In this inspiration from Thomas Allen that was originally published on February 8, 2009, we're looking at chocolate inspiration that boarders on spirituality. How's this for Zen?

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Prosciutto Wrapped Apples: Is It a Dessert or an Appetizer?

[fa icon="calendar'] 3/14/11 8:00 AM

Casey La Rue, a private chef from Phoenix, Arizona, gives us a dish that is versatile in many ways. Is it dessert, or is it an appetizer?

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