Duck Pot Pie and Roasted Cholla Powder from Chef Rob Connoley

[fa icon="calendar"] 9/25/17 12:00 PM / by BauscherHepp

duck pot pieroasted cholla powder 


In this February 2011 Deep Plate exercise, Rob Connoley of The Curious Kumquat in Silver City, New Mexico created two distinct platings.

The first is a foraged duck pot pie with Popotillo poached duck breast, chives, calvados gelée, and a pine cone syrup infused savory cream. The second is a foraged roasted cholla powder.

Take inspiration from his dishes and so much more in the latest BauscherHepp Design Guide.

Bauscher Hepp Design Guide CTA

Topics: Silver City, Compliments, infused, Bauscher, Gelee, Syrup, duck, Poached, chef, Duck Breast, NM, Rob Connoley, Facebook, Proprietor, The Curious Kumquat, Deep Plate, Inspiration, Chives, Roasted, Tafelstern, Powder, Foraged, Pot Pie, savory cream, cholla, calvados, pine cone, Popotillo

Written by BauscherHepp

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