The Benefits of Induction Warming on a Buffet Line

[fa icon="calendar"] 10/26/17 7:30 AM / by BauscherHepp

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When you think of buffets, you think about the ability to serve large groups of people quickly and efficiently. While this is a positive for operations in the buffet or banquet business, it also poses several issues, especially in terms of warming.

Let's take a look at three of the main challenges of traditional buffet warming solutions, as well as the benefits of induction warming and why it might make sense for your buffet.

[Get more buffet solutions in the BauscherHepp Tips to a Better Buffet)


In buffet service, safety is delivered in two ways.

First, the food itself must be kept at safe holding temperatures and conditions. By letting food temps drop by just a few degrees, it could mean entering the Danger Zone where bacteria are known to flourish.

Safety also comes from the heating elements themselves. More traditional warming methods like chaffing fuel and Sterno require an open flame that burns from a liquid, gel, or wick. Flames can obviously be hazardous, and in some cases, properties may not even allow them to be used.

Induction solves both of these safety problems because it delivers precise and consistent heat without the use of an open flame. 

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As with safety, quality can be dependent on a consistent warming temperature. Drastic increases or decreases in holding conditions can result in sub par foodservice products.

Induction allows for more precise temperature control than even gas, especially at lower levels where warming temps are so critical. With induction warming, buffets can offer higher quality and greater consistency, especially for items like delicate sauces or high end proteins.


On a buffet line, clean up can be, well, a mess. With so much area required during an event, operators either need easy-to-clean surfaces or they'll spend money on maintaining linensThe right buffet serving stations can eliminate the need for linens, and induction warming can reduce clean up time on warming surfaces.

Because induction warming surfaces do not get hot like open flame or electric surfaces, foods will not cook on and stick to the actual warming areas, making clean up easier with induction buffet warmers.

Looking for more ways to increase the capabilities of your operation's buffet service? Check out our tips sheet.

Tips for a Better Buffet Bauscher Hepp

Topics: Information, Serving, Buffet, service solutions, buffet solutions, buffet stations, Induction, warming

Written by BauscherHepp

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